Any laboratory or testing facility that works in cloning, genotyping, sequencing and related processes needs a steady supply of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) plates and similar accessories. Crystalgen's selection of skirted and non-skirted PCR plates and accompanying sealing film will prepare any lab to segment and isolate strands of DNA and RNA as necessary and store them to synthesize and identify per protocols.
Each of our high-quality PCR plates is molded to have thin, even walls for rapid heat transfer among samples. They are free of DNase, RNase and PCR inhibitors and designed to prevent cross-contamination. Both clear and colored plates offer optical clarity for monitoring and come in semi-skirted and non-skirted options.
Semi-skirted PCR plates are half plate height for continued ease of use and feature A12 cut corner botches for identification purposes. Non-skirted PCR plates are the most versatile, with alphanumerical labeling to prevent sorting errors. Our PCR tools also include heat-sealable adhesive films, which prevent contamination and keep samples secure while handling.
Explore Crystalgen's full selection of precision-molded PCR plates and accompanying sealing films today. Find 25-packs of 24-well plates for sample replication and on-site supply needs.