100bp DNA Ladder
#65-0241 0.05mg Ready-Load
Lot: 3500
Concentration: 0.05mg DNA/ml
Supplied with: 1ml 6X Loading Dye Solution
Store at -20 ℃
GeneRuler 100bp DNA Ladder is prepared from a specially designed plasmid pME-80J3 DNA, containing pUC, λ phage and yeast genome sequences. pME-80J3 DNA was completely digested with Eco1471 and Pvul. The DNA Ladder is dissolved in storage buffer. The DNA Ladder contains the following 11 discrete fragments (in base pairs): 1031, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100, 80.
Storage Buffer
10mM Tris-HCI(pH7.6), 1mM EDTA.
6X Loading Dye Solution
0.09% bromophenol blue, 0.09% xylene cyanol FF, 60% glycerol and 60mM EDTA.
Quality Control Assay Data
Analysis of 0.5ug (1ul) of the DNA Ladder on agarose gel and 1 ug (2ul)- on polyacrylamide gel by ethidium bromide staining generates 11 discrete bands pattern.
Quality authorized by: Jurgita Zilinskiene
Loading on agarose gel:
-Prepare the DNA Ladder before loading:
1ul (0.5ug) of the DNA Ladder,
1ul of 6x Loading Dye Solution,
4ul of deionized water;
-vortex gently just prior to use;
-do not heat before loading;
-apply the prepared amount (6ul) of the DNA Ladder on a 5mm lane of agarose gel;
-following electrophoretic separation on gel, visualize the DNA bands by ethidium bromide staining.
Product Name | 100bp |
SKU | 65-0241 |