MacConkey Agar Plates (100x15 mm 20/PK)

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MacConkey Agar Plates (100x15 mm 20/PK)

-1.7% Peptone, 0.3% protease peptone. 1.0% lactose, 0.15% bile salts No.3, 0.5% NaCl. 1.35% agar, 0.0001% crystal violet, 0.003% neutral red.

-Applications:Recommended for use in isolation and differentiation of lactose-fermenting organisms from lactose-nonfermenting gram negative enteric bacteria

-Shipping Conditions: Ambient.

-Storage: Refrigerate

There is no safety sheet available for this product
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Product Name MacConkey Agar Plates (100x15 mm 20/PK)
SKU 227-250-01
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